Research preparation

"Research preparation" is the first stage of your research journey. 

This stage will require you to know how to get funding, design your research, manage your data, make research collaborations work, and learn about the importance of sex and gender equity in research. 

Complete the topics within "Research preparation" and kick-start your research journey.


Modules in Research preparation

43 m

Unlocking Grant Success with Funding Institutional

Are you a researcher seeking efficient ways to secure funding? Join us to explore the power of Funding Institutional by Elsevier.
20 m

Tips for writing grant applications: a funder perspective

In this webinar recording, Annalisa Montesanti will offer an insight into what funders look for when reading grant applications.
1.1 h

How to secure funding - ECR edition

The first step to funding your research or getting the dream fellowship is writing the perfect application.
1 h

Funding Hacks for Researchers

Top tips from the people who really understand what it takes to write a successful grant application.
40 m

Successful research grant applications – getting it right

Our useful step by step guide to preparing a grant application can help you tick all the boxes first time.
53 m
Research design

Gen AI use in the research workflow

Unlock the future of research with the power of generative AI! 
15 m
Research design

How to locate key publications

Learn how to confidently leverage Scopus to evaluate research. Participate in self-paced, online introductory Scopus training designed for researchers and students.
15 m
Research design

How to find relevant and authoritative research

Learn how to confidently leverage Scopus to evaluate research. Participate in self-paced, online introductory Scopus training designed for researchers and students.
1 h
Research design

How to integrate sex, gender, and intersectional analysis into research

In this module, experts will speak on how researchers can integrate sex, gender, and intersectional analysis into the design of their research
10 m
Research design

How to enhance your chances of serendipitous research discovery

One should always look for ways to advance research evaluation strategies in all fields of knowledge production. Serendipitous research could prepare you for this.
12 m
Research design

How to identify research gaps

Researching is an ongoing task, as it requires you to think of something nobody else has thought of before. This is where the research gap comes into play.
11 m
Research data management

Data Repositories to store your data

Data in Brief publishes data articles for which the data have been made publicly available in such a repository.
17 m
Research data management

Make your data findable- It's Not FAIR! Improving Data Publishing Practices in Research

Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable - The FAIR Data Principles. Likely you’ve heard about FAIR, but do you know how it can support you and your own research?
12 m
Research data management

Make your data accessible -It's Not FAIR! Improving Data Publishing Practices in Research

Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable - The FAIR Data Principles. Likely you’ve heard about FAIR, but do you know how it can support you and your own research?
19 m
Research data management

Make your data interoperable - It's Not FAIR! Improving Data Publishing Practices in Research

Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable - The FAIR Data Principles. Likely you’ve heard about FAIR, but do you know how it can support you and your own research?
22 m
Research data management

Make your data reusable - It's Not FAIR! Improving Data Publishing Practices in Research

Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable - The FAIR Data Principles. Likely you’ve heard about FAIR, but do you know how it can support you and your own research?
38 m
Research data management

How to conduct evidence-based research

It’s natural to think that all research is evidence based given the long citation lists that research papers come with.
1 h
Research data management

How to manage and publish your research data

The need for sharing data today expands beyond its purpose of promoting transparency and reproducibility.
36 m
Research data management

How researchers store, share and use data

Discover the advantages of data sharing and how you can contribute to improving research reproducibility.
40 m
Research data management

Creating a good research data management plan

Find out why you need a data management plan and what it takes to write an effective one.
39 m
Research data management

How researchers benefit from citing data

An in-depth look at citing data and how it can help you build your reputation as a researcher.
15 m
Research collaborations

How to identify experts & potential collaborators in a topical area

Learn how to confidently leverage Scopus to evaluate research. Participate in self-paced, online introductory Scopus training designed for researchers and students.
1 h
Research collaborations

How to produce highly visible research: Useful tips for researchers

While research is the central part of a researcher’s life, producing high-impact work by engaging in multidisciplinary and collaborative research is an added demand to the already substantial workl
1 h
Research collaborations

The key to successful academic collaborations

Academic collaborations with researchers from varying backgrounds can act as a conduit to innovative ideas and solutions.
1 h
Research collaborations

Making academia–industry collaborations work

Collaborations with industry partners on specialized projects are becoming commonplace. Learn how to avoid the main pitfalls.
45 m
Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines

Unpacking the SAGER Guidelines: A Roundtable Discussion on Achieving Gender Equity in Research

Researcher Academy and GENDRO are excited to invite you to watch a recorded roundtable discussion on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER).
3 m
Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines

Introduction to the SAGER Guidelines Course

Researcher Academy and GENDRO are pleased to announce a new certified course on the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines, developed in partnership with EASE.
9 m
Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines

1.0 Why Sex and Gender are Important in Research

Have you considered the importance of sex and gender in your research and how not incorporating it or using terminology incorrectly might influence your research results?
15 m
Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines

2.0 What are the SAGER Guidelines

In this module, you will discover the rationale behind developing the guidelines and how the guidelines were developed, and you will be presented with an overview of the SAGER guidelines structure.
16 m
Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines

3.1 SAGER Recommendations

In this module, Paola De Castro will provide an overview of the SAGER Guidelines structure, including the general principles and specific recommendations.
8 m
Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines

3.2 SAGER Checklist: A Resource for Editors and Authors

In this module, you will learn about the development and use of the SAGER checklist, designed for editors when evaluating manuscripts, and authors when preparing their manuscripts for publication.
5 m
Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines

4.1 The Role of Publishers

In this module, Jessica Miles, Head of Speed of Publication Program at Elsevier focuses on the significance of the SAGER Guidelines for publishers.
4 m
Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines

4.2 Concerns by Editors and Publishers

In this module, Sanne Peters discusses the concerns of Editors and Publishers regarding the implementation of the SAGER Guidelines, and offers recommendations to overcome some of these barriers.
17 m
Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines

5.0 Uptake and implementation of the SAGER Guidelines

In this module, you will learn how the SAGER Guidelines have been implemented by various organisations.
1 h
Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines

SAGER Guidelines Course Assessment

Now that you have listened to all our experts, it's time to test your knowledge and claim your certificate, of course!