Publication process

The "Publication process" is the third stage in your research journey. 

Here, we discuss the fundamentals of publishing, research metrics, ethics, open science, and how to find the right journal for your research.

Complete the topics within "Publication process" and get ready to publish your research!


Modules in Publication process

17 m
Fundamentals of publishing

Part 1: How to be realistic about publishing your paper?

Learn how to set realistic expectations and discover key factors to consider when choosing the right journal for your submission.
8 m
Fundamentals of publishing

Part 2: How to value expert feedback during peer review?

Understand the critical role of reviewer feedback in enhancing your research and facilitating your publication, even if it doesn’t necessarily lead to acceptance.
7 m
Fundamentals of publishing

Part 3: How to submit to the next journal, if your paper is rejected?

Explore effective strategies for submitting to the next journal in case of manuscript rejection, with tips from editorial experience and author stories.
33 m
Fundamentals of publishing

Shorten your path to publication: Researcher insights from submission to rejection

The journey to publication isn't just about succeeding on the first try; it's about leveraging every opportunity, even if it involves facing rejection.
1 h
Fundamentals of publishing

It takes a village: Safeguarding quality in scholarly communication

Scholarly communication evolves and changes at an unprecedented rate and scale today.
8 m
Fundamentals of publishing

The origins of scientific publishing

Did you know, the origins of journal publishing can be traced back to the 17th century?
15 m
Fundamentals of publishing

10 reasons to get – and use – an ORCID iD

Names are far from unique. With an ORCID iD, researchers can benefit from being properly identified.
40 m
Fundamentals of publishing

The journal publishing cycle

Your handy guide to scholarly publishing and the journal publishing cycle.
40 m
Fundamentals of publishing

Making sense of science stories

Find out why you should always ask whether research is peer reviewed. And if it isn’t, ask why not.
48 m
Fundamentals of publishing

Gender Bias in academic publishing

Unconscious gender bias: what is it and what can we do to make the publishing process fairer for all?
10 m
Research metrics

CiteScore for early career researchers

What if we told you there is a transparent metric out there that can help you evaluate high-quality journals in a free and open space?
4 m
Research metrics

Introduction to Journal Impact Factor & H-index

You have finally overcome the exhausting process of a successful paper publication and are just thinking that it’s time to relax for a while.
5 m
Research metrics

Why you should know about SNIP & SJR

These metrics might not be as well-known as the others – but they are equally important.
13 m
Research metrics

Introduction to PlumX

PlumX metrics provides insights beyond the traditional citation metrics: it looks into ways people interact with individual pieces of research output (articles, conference proceedings, book chapter
10 m
Research metrics

What journal acceptance rates really mean

Rejection hurts...especially in the research world, where you pour all the hardwork and energy into your paper.
11 m
Research metrics

Responsible use of research metrics

Now that you have gained your knowledge on what research metrics are and why they are important - it's time to make sure you know how to use them responsibly. 
4 m
Finding the right journal

Identifying fake acceptance letters

This video shares tips on how to identify fake acceptance letters and explains how to avoid article publishing charge scams.
1 h
Finding the right journal

Trusted publishing vs. predatory journals: What does it mean for the integrity of science?

Watch this webinar recording to learn about the crucial difference between reputable publishing practices and the murky world of "predatory publishing." 
15 m
Finding the right journal

How to identify suitable journals for submission

Learn how to confidently leverage Scopus to evaluate research. Participate in self-paced, online introductory Scopus training designed for researchers and students.
56 m
Finding the right journal

Rejected manuscripts: Next steps and finding the right fit

Has your paper ever been rejected? Most likely yes. Do you know how to deal with it the right way? Probably no.
7 m
Finding the right journal

Understanding manuscript rejection and reasons why

It is important not to take manuscript rejection personally.
2 m
Finding the right journal

Appealing the rejection and why you should think twice

Although appealing the decision is within your right as an author, it’s worth noting that most appeals are not successful unless invited.
4 m
Finding the right journal

Finding the right fit: Resources that make your search easier  

In most cases, you’re more likely to find success by submitting your manuscript elsewhere after a rejection.
3 m
Finding the right journal

Transferring your paper and the benefits explained 

If you receive a transfer offer, a curated list of journals that match your work is right at your fingertips.
7 m
Finding the right journal

Improving your chances of acceptance next time 

Since you’ve taken stock of the editor/reviewer comments and found the right journal, what’s next?
20 m
Finding the right journal

Using the most relevant metrics to help you choose the right journal

After investing so much time and effort in your manuscript, you want to find a journal that has a suitable scope and the quality level you are looking for – not always an easy task.
15 m
Finding the right journal

How to easily spot reliable journals

Learn the steps required to select the right home for your research, improving your chances of publication success.
10 m
Finding the right journal

Using AI to match your abstract to the right journal

When it comes to finding the right journal – there is a lot to consider.
13 m

What is plagiarism and how to avoid it

Plagiarism not only negatively impacts your career, it is also easy to detect. So, it’s important that early career researchers understand where the boundaries lie.
1 h

Plagiarism: Decision making & dealing with grey-zones across academic Fields

Plagiarism is often considered a classic form of scientific misconduct.
1 h

Detecting Image Manipulation: Routines, Tools & Limitations

Advancing technology has put the control of scientific images in the hands of researchers and authors.
40 m


We explore what it takes to really earn your place on a paper’s list of authors.
40 m

Content ownership

You’ve written a paper, but who technically owns it? We clear up the mystery.
41 m

Why you can't afford to ignore publication ethics

How publishing ethics can help make or break a researcher’s career.
14 m

Demystifying permissions

Everything you need to know about permissions and the pitfalls to avoid.
20 m
Open science

Registered Reports: An Editor's Perspective

Registered Reports are an article type that reforms the traditional publication process by
12 m
Open science

How to Submit A Data Article

Data articles provide scientists with the opportunity to describe and share their raw data, and hence participate in Open Science and satisfy funder requirements.
28 m
Open science

Open Access: End user licenses

Open access is a vital concept that has transformed the way scholarly research is shared and distributed.
5 m
Open science

The evolution of open access

This module will provide you with background information on Open Access from the beginning of the movement to the present day and the formation of cOAlition S.
15 m
Open science

Fundamentals of open access

In this module, Victoria Eva, SVP of Global Policy and Industry Relations at Elsevier, explains the basics of open access as a publishing model: Its origin and history, different types of open acce
10 m
Open science

Cost of publishing open access: how and why

In this module, we tackle one of the inevitable and most commonly-asked questions about publishing open access—article processing charge (APC).
15 m
Open science

How to submit and publish an OA article

In this module, we provide hands-on guidance for those who are ready to publish open access.
1 h
Open science

How to leverage open hardware to improve your research

Why is Open Source Hardware important? Did you know it offers fundamental advantages to the research community?
1 h
Open science

Publishing open access

Understand how open access publishing works and how you can publish open access.
59 m
Publishing in the Chemical Sciences

How to get published in the Chemical Sciences

Top tips for preparing a submission to a chemical sciences journal – which will also prove helpful for those in other disciplines.
37 m
Publishing in the Chemical Sciences

Publishing ethics in Chemical and Material Sciences

We share some ethics do’s and don’ts and explain why you should be passionate about meeting the right standards.
41 m
Publishing in the Chemical Sciences

The fundamentals of peer review for the Chemical Sciences

Discover the many benefits of reviewing in Chemistry and how you can get involved.
1 h
Publishing in the Chemical Sciences

The nuts & bolts of peer review: a discussion by Biomaterials editors

Editors share their personal experiences of peer review and useful insights to help you grow in your reviewer role.