About this video
As a busy researcher, time is precious and review requests can feel like a burden. But reviews are not only the lifeblood of a healthy publishing cycle, they can also boost your career! In this webinar recording, Deirdre Dunne, a Senior Publisher for environmental science and health, explains the vital role peer review plays in validating research results. She explores the various forms, including the most common, single blind. And, she runs through the benefits Elsevier provides to reviewers, such as the Reviewer Recognition Platform.
Professor Shane Snyder, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Chemosphere, shares the impact (and frustration!) when a reviewer accepts and doesn’t deliver. He looks at how reviewing can increase your skills as an author and help you move up the career ladder. And, he explains why you should always mention previous reviews for the journal in your cover letter.
You will come away understanding why reviewing is so important, not only to you, but to your peers and the publishing process. You will also discover the elements a good review should contain.