Mindfulness for researchers – an approach to stress relief and “research-life” balance

About this video

Scientific research is a stressful business. Pressure to deliver results, shortage of funds and the competitive nature of the field take their toll on a researcher’s peace of mind which in turn affects their performance and results. Therefore, it’s important to take control over your life by becoming more aware of your thoughts and being in charge of them using mindfulness.

In this webinar, Researcher Academy provides a step-by-step approach for introducing the powerful practice of mindfulness to the everyday routine of a scientist. You will familiarize yourself with the basics of mindfulness including its strong scientific foundation and measurable benefits. You’ll learn the success stories of companies and universities who have implemented the practice. Most importantly, the module will leave you with the basic instructions to build your own stable routine.

Learn to train your mind towards better stress management and how to efficiently deal with stress.

About the presenter

Claudio Colaiacomo

Vice President, Academic Relations, Elsevier and Mindfulness expert

Claudio Colaiacomo holds a degree and a Masters in Physics an MBA and a Masters in Contemplative Neurosciences from the University of Pisa. He is a Mindfulness trainer and coach. In his earlier career, he has worked as a researcher in the US and Austria after moving to Elsevier where he covered several managerial roles. Today he is Vice President for Academic Relations a role where he meets with the management of research institutions in Southern Europe and the media with the aim of exploring synergies and new ways to serve the scientific community. He’s an expert of the publishing industry, his interest span widely from Physics, History and Philosophy. He is a speaker and published author himself. He’s 49 and lives in Rome with his family.
