Expanding career choices of female chemical engineering students through chemical processes contributing to SDGs

About this video

Prof Oh reports on the latest statistics for Korean Education. For chemical engineering graduates, the gender difference in employment was 9.9% on average during 2012-16. There are distinct differences in the sub-disciplines in which male and female graduates are employed as well as elective subjects. Lower employment rate of females is caused by lower numbers in chemical and engineering industries. It is necessary to examine how the industrial chemical processes are taught in the classroom and how to better motivate female students. Women tend to place greater emphasis on working with people and contributing to society and may be interested in exploring what engineering solutions can do for the wellbeing of people and sustainability of society.

About the presenter

Professor Myongsook Susan Oh

Professor of Chemical Engineering Department at Hongik University in Seoul, Korea.



Myongsook Oh is a professor of Chemical Engineering Department at Hongik University in Seoul. She obtained a B.S. degree in chemical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, and a Sc. D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Before joining Hongik University, Dr. Oh was associated with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Texaco, Inc in the U.S. Starting from her Sc. D. thesis on softening coal pyrolysis, she worked on the conversion of fossil fuels for over 30 years, concentrating on the transformation of ashes.

The other area that Dr. Oh devotes her efforts is to develop women in engineering programs and educational contents. She authored several articles on engineering education for female students as well as research papers. She is also very active in the professional societies. Currently, she is the chair of the Board of Women in Science, Engineering & Technology (WISET) Centre, president of the Korean Society for Engineering Education, a former president of Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology in Korea, and a former vice president of International Federation of Engineering Education Societies. She is a member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK).

