New analysis of the literature on SDGs to identify across which SDGs (beyond SDG5) gender research is being incorporated and where gaps may still exist

About this video

Dr Falk-Krzesinski explains the new analysis of how much of the available research on SDGs also includes considerations of gender dimension. This analysis supports the efforts to mainstream gender into SDGs and improve research for SDGs. The analysis covers 16 SDGs and involves a new approach to keyword search, bibliometric investigation, and mapping relevant concepts. Factoring gender analysis into research and implementation of SDGs will ensure rigorous and impactful policy with equal quality of outcomes for women and men.

About the presenter

Holly Falk-Krzesinski, PhD

Vice President, Research Intelligence, Elsevier

Holly J. Falk-Krzesinski, PhD, is the Vice President, Research Intelligence on the Global Strategic Networks team at Elsevier. Actively involved in promoting women leaders in STEM, Dr. Falk-Krzesinski is co-chair of the Gender Working Group and co-author on Elsevier’s two global gender reports.  While at Northwestern University she launched the Chicago Collaboration for Women in STEM and the Navigating the Professoriate and Beyond Tenure programs in support STEMM women faculty members.

