Integrating sex/gender methods into human biomonitoring studies

About this video

Dr Groth reports on the efforts of the INGER project to create alternative definitions and representations of gender going beyond the binary evaluation of the sex assigned at birth to establish a measurement scale for human biomonitoring as a method for assessing exposure to chemicals or their effects by measuring these chemicals, their metabolites, or reaction products. Current methods deployed in human biomonitoring are inadequate and often ambiguous making it hard to interconnect data from different sources.

About the presenter

Katrin Groth

Scientist for the BMBF-funded project INGER (INtegrating Gender into Environmental health Research) 


Katrin Groth joined the German Environment Agency as a scientist for the BMBF-funded project INGER (INtegrating Gender into Environmental health Research) in November 2017. She concentrates her research on human biomonitoring and gender and has theoretical and practical knowledge in data handling and data analysis. In the past she collected experiences in data processing and communication in the public health sector and worked in the longitudinal data field with the focus on inequalities and capabilities. She holds a Diploma in Economics and a Master of Science in Statistics.
