Theme 9: Shaping the Next 10 Years of Research and Interventions for SDGs

This session looks at the next 10 years of the UN Sustainable Development agenda to identify: what gender research can be done in the near, medium and long term; where there is a need to prioritise specific research to fill in important gaps in knowledge, and how to increase participation of women scientists in sustainability agenda.
Moderator Introducing Theme 9: 9-0 Elizabeth Pollitzer, Director, Portia

  • 9-1 Miyoko Watanabe, Deputy Executive Director, Japan Science and Technology Agency ; Director, Office for Diversity and Inclusion, JST, Japan
    Advancing BRIDGE (better research, innovation and development for gender equality) through cooperation between universities, industry and society
  • 9-2 Ylann Schemm, Director, Elsevier Foundation, Netherlands
    Initiatives and programmes for engaging women scientists in developing world in research for SDGs
  • 9-3 Heisook Lee, Director for policy, Gendered Innovations for Science & Technology Research (GISTeR) Center, Professor Emeritus, Ewha Womans University, Rep. of Korea
    Gendered Innovations in accountable data management research for sustainable development
  • 9-4 David Griggs, Professor, Monash Sustainable Development Institute, Australia
    An integrated approach - gender and SDG interklinkages
  • 9-5 Lydie Hakizimana, Interim CEO, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
    Building science in Africa with full participation of women as researchers, educators and leaders
  • 9-6 Dorothy Nyambi, President & CEO, Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA)
    Catalyzing the earning potential of disadvantaged women, men and youth by integrating them into viable economic systems

What you will learn

Modules in Theme 9: Shaping the Next 10 Years of Research and Interventions for SDGs

10 m
Theme 9: Shaping the Next 10 Years of Research and Interventions for SDGs

Theme 9 Introduction

Dr Pollitzer introduces the representatives of the organisations that have been instrumental to making the Gender Summit platform a global forum for advancing better research methods and impacts, w
1 h
Theme 9: Shaping the Next 10 Years of Research and Interventions for SDGs

Catalyzing the earning potential of disadvantaged women, men and youth by integrating them into viable economic systems

Dr Nyambi explains how her organisation MEDA works towards women’s socio-economic empowerment in some of the poorest areas in the world.
1 h
Theme 9: Shaping the Next 10 Years of Research and Interventions for SDGs

Building science in Africa with full participation of women as researchers, educators and leaders

Lydie Hakizimana introduces AIMS and its mission to advance opportunities for women and men to participate in post-graduate education in STEM.
1 h
Theme 9: Shaping the Next 10 Years of Research and Interventions for SDGs

An integrated approach - gender and SDG interklinkages

Prof Griggs explains the efforts to establish integrated perspectives on SDGs to take advantage of the  interactions, interdependencies, and synergies between different SDGs, which would help
1 h
Theme 9: Shaping the Next 10 Years of Research and Interventions for SDGs

Gendered Innovations in accountable data management research for sustainable development

Prof Lee explains how Korea has advanced national policy for gender equality in science including ensuring that scientific evidence does not discriminate against women by relying on study populatio
1 h
Theme 9: Shaping the Next 10 Years of Research and Interventions for SDGs

Initiatives and programmes for engaging women scientists in developing world in research for SDGs

Ylann Schemm explains the mission of the Elsevier Foundation to advance women, in developing countries, in science career and science endeavours, including research for SDGs.
1 h
Theme 9: Shaping the Next 10 Years of Research and Interventions for SDGs

Advancing BRIDGE (better research, innovation and development for gender equality) through cooperation between universities, industry and society

Dr Watanabe explains the path taken in Japan to advance gender equality in science and how the 10th Gender Summit – Asia Pacific in Tokyo in 2017 has helped propel these efforts, includi