5 Diseases ailing research – and how to cure them

About this video

The research production system is flawed. It has created the breeding ground for 5 diseases which have debilitating consequences on the research produced.

In this webinar, as part of Academic Writing Month (#AcWriMo), Professor John Antonakis teaches us to identify these diseases, which include significosis (fetishizing statistical significance), theorrhea (a mania for new theory), arigorium (lack of rigor in design and analysis), neophilia (a love for novelty), and disjunctivitis (proclivity to salami slice and produce redundant and incoherent works).

Learn to spot the symptoms of these diseases, the harm they have caused, and what remedies can be developed to counteract them.

About the presenter

John Antonakis

Professor of Organizational Behavior, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne

John Antonakis is Professor of Organizational Behavior in the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Apart from applied topics in organizational behaviour, Professor Antonakis’ research is also focused on research methods, psychometrics, and applied statistics. He has published articles in many prestigious journals including Science, Psychological Science, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Organization Research Methods, among many others. He has received more than US$ 2.45 million in funding for his research. Professor Antonakis is Editor in Chief of The Leadership Quarterly. He is on the editorial boards of many other top journals in management and applied psychology, including Academy of Management Review. See his recent TEDx talk to get an idea of his latest research on charisma.
