From article to art: Creating visual abstracts - Part 3: Designing

About this video

Part 3 of our "From article to art: Creating visual abstracts" module focuses on Design tips to make visual abstracts accessible and engaging. Lipsa Panda will introduce some critical points and quick tips on typography, colour, style, size and symmetry, white space, and more. 

About the presenter

Lipsa Panda
Lipsa Panda

Communications Manager, Elsevier

As a Communications Manager at Elsevier, Lipsa works closely with the STMJ team and focuses on building relationships with researchers. In her role, she develops, executes, and analyses communication strategies highlighting Elsevier’s products, solutions, and corporate social responsibilities to authors. Due to her personal interest, she ensures to diversify and enrich her communications with visuals.

With a Ph.D. in respiratory immunology and experience in visual communication, she is passionate about science communication and democratizing design among researchers.
