Social impact

Your paper may be valued by your peers, but increasingly, that’s only one piece of the puzzle. These days, funders often ask you to show your work has relevance beyond the academic arena too.

But what form should that societal impact take and how can you demonstrate it? In this series of modules, we explore some definitions and measurements. We look at how you can bring a wider audience in contact with your work and some of the unexpected outcomes. We also explore the topic of lay summaries and how they can introduce your research to a whole new group of readers.

What you will learn

  • What is societal impact
  • Advice on sharing your research more widely
  • Tips on writing a great lay summary

Modules in Social impact

1 h
Social impact

How to create impact with patient and public involvement

Research in health and medical sciences is always inevitably carried out with the intention to bring some benefit to the public.
40 m
Social impact

How your research can make an impact on society

Societal impact – you’ve heard the phrase but what does it mean and why is it important? We solve the mystery.
1 h
Social impact

How to build empathy in research

In this webinar, our experts focus on three tools for building empathy in research: interviewing, journey mapping and Photovoice. Also, they discuss ways of adapting these tools across sectors; including academia, industry and clinical settings.
1 h
Social impact

Standing up for Science

Science and the media: A panel of a researcher, journalist and press officer will share their experiences of engaging with the media and the public.
1 h
Social impact

How to write a lay summary

Journal articles are written with researchers in mind, so the content isn’t always easy to follow for people outside academia…or even that field of study!