About this video
Research in health and medical sciences is always inevitably carried out with the intention to bring some benefit to the public. Yet, it is rare to have an active research participation from the group that is most impacted by it. Public Patient Involvement (PPI) aims to resolve this by ensuring that the best interests of patients, carers, healthcare service users and the public are showcased by an active involvement of the target population in the study.
In this module, Aoife Cahill, Programme Manager - R&D for National Health, shares her expertise on what PPI is, why the public should be involved in research and how PPI can benefit your research. You hear from Bláthín Casey, Program Manager of a successful PPI group at D1 Now. She shares why such involvement is needed to advance health science and provide better health care. Also, Cameron Keighron, a young PPI member who shares his experience of participating in research on diabetes and how his contributions have made an impact on the studies. .
You will come away with a better understanding of PPI, how you can apply it in your research and how it will help you create a social impact with your work.