




38 results
40 m
Research data management

Creating a good research data management plan

Find out why you need a data management plan and what it takes to write an effective one.
17 m
Research data management

Make your data findable- It's Not FAIR! Improving Data Publishing Practices in Research

Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable - The FAIR Data Principles. Likely you’ve heard about FAIR, but do you know how it can support you and your own research?
12 m
Research data management

Make your data accessible -It's Not FAIR! Improving Data Publishing Practices in Research

Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable - The FAIR Data Principles. Likely you’ve heard about FAIR, but do you know how it can support you and your own research?
1 h
Theme 1: Uniting Funders, Doers, and Custodians of Research to Strategically and Comprehensively Advance Quality Gender Research for SDGs

Enabling inclusive sharing of knowledge for SDGs. Innovations introduced at Elsevier at the nexus of gender, sustainability, and development research communication

Mr Chi reports on the actions taken by Elsevier as a research publisher, employer and leader in science data analytics to advance gender equality in science knowledge making and communication.&nbsp
1 h
Theme 1: Uniting Funders, Doers, and Custodians of Research to Strategically and Comprehensively Advance Quality Gender Research for SDGs

UN SDGs and the Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) on Gender: What Countries are Reporting and What is Missing in VNRs

Prof Kim explains what can be learned from monitoring progress in achieving SDGs at national level. So far, both the interest and the level of achievement have been very disappointing.
1 h
Theme 5: Science for Peace and for Safe and Secure Societies

Integrating gender perspectives into the planning, execution and evaluation phases of military operations and exercises

Rebecca Blum explains  the relationship between sexual violence and peace and security.  NATO defines sexual or gender-based violence against an individual or group of individuals, as act
1 h
Theme 5: Science for Peace and for Safe and Secure Societies

Gender empowerment of the society improves resilience in disaster management

Prof Chung explains that disasters are rarely gender neural. Women and girls are the main victims of natural disasters.
11 m
Research data management

Data Repositories to store your data

Data in Brief publishes data articles for which the data have been made publicly available in such a repository.
5 m
19th Gender Summit - Global for SDGs : Day 1
1 h
Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines

Unpacking the SAGER Guidelines: A Roundtable Discussion on Achieving Gender Equity in Research

Researcher Academy and GENDRO are excited to invite you to a roundtable discussion on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER).
9 m
Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines

1.0 Why Sex and Gender are Important in Research

Have you considered the importance of sex and gender in your research and how not incorporating it or using terminology incorrectly might influence your research results?
5 m
Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines

4.1 The Role of Publishers

In this module, Jessica Miles, Head of Speed of Publication Program at Elsevier focuses on the significance of the SAGER Guidelines for publishers.