Open science

Open science is the new buzzword but what does it actually mean? And what about open access? Where does that fit into the story? In these modules, we cover the topics in detail. We look at the many definitions of open science and how you can use it in your own research and publishing career. We also explore open access and whether there are any specific points to consider when choosing to go down that publishing path.

What you will learn

  • What is open science
  • New insight into how you can benefit from it
  • Points to consider when publishing open access

Modules in Open science

20 m
Open science

Registered Reports: An Editor's Perspective

Registered Reports are an article type that reforms the traditional publication process by
20 m
Open science

Registered Reports: A Reviewer's Perspective

Registered Reports are an article type that reforms the traditional publication process by
12 m
Open science

How to Submit A Data Article

Data articles provide scientists with the opportunity to describe and share their raw data, and hence participate in Open Science and satisfy funder requirements.
28 m
Open science

Open Access: End user licenses

Open access is a vital concept that has transformed the way scholarly research is shared and distributed.
5 m
Open science

The evolution of open access

This module will provide you with background information on Open Access from the beginning of the movement to the present day and the formation of cOAlition S.
15 m
Open science

Fundamentals of open access

In this module, Victoria Eva, SVP of Global Policy and Industry Relations at Elsevier, explains the basics of open access as a publishing model: Its origin and history, different types of open acce
10 m
Open science

Cost of publishing open access: how and why

In this module, we tackle one of the inevitable and most commonly-asked questions about publishing open access—article processing charge (APC).
15 m
Open science

How to submit and publish an OA article

In this module, we provide hands-on guidance for those who are ready to publish open access.
1 h
Open science

How to leverage open hardware to improve your research

Why is Open Source Hardware important? Did you know it offers fundamental advantages to the research community?
1 h
Open science

Publishing open access

Understand how open access publishing works and how you can publish open access.