Sustainable Mobility for All from a gender perspective

About this video

Muneeza Mehmood Alam explains the work of the World Bank to advance Sustainable Mobility for All and specifically the gender aspects of transportation. The main issues are women as transport users, as transport workers, as decision makers, and recipients of possible benefits of transport infrastructure. At present there is no single global indicator to measure use of transport by women. Women’s mobility patters are known to be different from men. Legislation on sexual harassment in public spheres is rare. Some economies impose restrictions on women’s employment in transport sector. The WB is piloting the Global Roadmap of Action in different countries to make progress on SuM4All.


About the presenter

Muneeza Mehmood Alam

Economist in the Transport Global Practice of the World Bank



Muneeza Mehmood Alam is an Economist in the Transport Global Practice of the World Bank.  During her time at the Bank she has worked on a myriad of topics relating to infrastructure and economic policy. These include economic corridors and regional connectivity, urban transport, logistics, gender, and electric mobility.  Muneeza has a keen interest in understanding the mechanisms through which the economic and social benefits of transport investments can be maximized and more equitably distributed. Muneeza holds a PhD in Economics from Yale University and prior to joining the World Bank she has worked in economic consulting.
