Unlock your research potential

Free e-learning modules developed by global experts.

The Elsevier Researcher Academy is an entirely free e-learning platform designed to unlock the potential of early and mid-career researchers. 

To get unlimited access to all modules, log in or register below.

Start learning

Start learning
1 h
Fundamentals of manuscript preparation

Generative AI: New policies, opportunities, and risks

The rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies has triggered new polici
21 m
Career planning

Business Development for Researchers

Business benefits with deep insights from research, but is it possible for researchers to benefit from business models?
12 m
Ensuring visibility

Social Media for Researchers

Gain practical insights into how researchers can leverage the power of social media.
27 m
Career guidance

What is burnout and how to address it

Burnout is not a new phenomenon, but its increased visibility has given the issue more focus and light, especially in high-stress related fields and professions.
Why Researcher Academy

Master essential skills

Master essential skills

Pick up practical skills and solid professional development advice.

Learn from the best

Learn from the best

Access high quality content developed by leading research experts.

Maximize your impact

Maximize your impact

Learn how to make your research stand out & garner those all-important citations.

Building a research career these days is not simple or straightforward. Researcher Academy provides excellent resources for researchers who face funding, communication, and professional development challenges in a constantly evolving and increasingly competitive academic career environment.

Natalie Lundsteen

Dr. Natalie Lundsteen

Assistant Dean for Career and Professional Development & Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Researcher Academy is a great and very lively medium. The quantity and quality of information provided are instrumental for early career researchers, helping them establish a strong publication record, correctly adhering to stringent publication ethics.

Bert Blocken

Prof. dr. ir Bert Blocken

Full Professor, Department of the Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) & Department of Civil Engineering, KU Leuven

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