Counted and visible: Measurements of gender and intersecting inequalities across UN agencies

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About this video

Mr Seck explains the current efforts made by UN Women to close gaps in gender data and advance better statistical evidence for SDGs implementation in the future. COVID-19 has affected everyone and we know that in terms of health effects it affected men more than women but overall women’s lives have been punished more.  Consequently, gender inequality will get worse for women because disasters do not happen in the vacuum.  In the context of SDGs, we currently have only 30% of the gender statistics needed for the targets. The existing gaps in data must be closed, in gender and in gender and intersectionality. Cooperation is needed between national statistical efforts and the statistics collected through less-formal approaches.

About the presenter

Papa Alioune B. Seck

Chief Statistician, UN Women, New York, United States

Papa Alioune B. Seck leads statistics and data at UN-Women since 2009. Papa led the development of UN Women's Women Count global initiative, to improve the production and use of gender data and to help countries monitor the Sustainable Development Goals form a gender perspective and is currently leading its implementation since 2016. He also developed of the Evidence and Data for Gender Equality (EDGE) programme in 2012, in collaboration with the UN Statistics Division, resulting in innovative new standards and measures to measure asset ownership and entrepreneurship from a gender perspective. He has co-authored several editions of UN-Women’s Flagship Reports and contributed to various other research products. Prior to joining UN-Women, Papa worked was Statistics Specialist in UNDP’s Human Development Report (HDR) Office, co-authoring three global HDRs and was the co-editor of a book on Risk, shocks and Vulnerability and their impact on human development (Palgrave McMillan 2010).
