Can gender equality help solve Climate Change

About this video

Prof McGlade creates a context by referring to the names given to storms where tradition is to alternate male and female names. Comparison of the effects of storms on affected populations revealed that the public reaction and safety related emergency actions were more delayed and less extensive when storms had female names, and consequently these storms produced higher losses for women. Disasters have other consequences when men migrate and women take over additional responsibilities, e.g. in agriculture, which means these areas can collapse when disaster strikes. Globally women own only 13% of the land and as such have small influence on changing land use, even though they can achieve more proactive type of stewardhsip.

About the presenter

Professor Jacqueline McGlade FLS, FRSA

Professor at the Institute for Global Prosperity and Engineering at University College London, UK

Jacqueline McGlade is Professor at the Institute for Global Prosperity and Engineering at University College London, UK, Frank Jackson Gresham Professor of the Environment and at Strathmore University, Kenya,. Her current research includes data analytics, earth observation, ecosystem modelling, gender power relations and social capital, impacts of pollution and pharmaceuticals on health, development of traditional medicinal for improving diets in sub-Sharan Africa, decision making under high uncertainity, early warning systems and web intelligence. She is currnetly building a new Prosperity Index through co-laboratories. Previously she was UN Environment’s Chief Scientist, Director of Science and Chief Statistician, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency, Director of the UK Centre for Coastal and Marine Sciences, Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Warwick, Director of Theoretical Ecology at the FZ Jülich and Senior Scientist in the Federal Government of Canada. She advises the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the UK, European and Kenya Space Agencies and the Open Government Platform for Kenya. She has published more than 200 research publications and books and produced award winning films and radio series (see TEDx talk on Building Resilience to Climate Change , BBC series The Life Scientific and her Gresham public lectures online.

