About this video
A great research article or review is about more than listing research results: it is about telling a story through the data or giving your readers some insight they could not get from reading the research papers you cite.
Figures are an important part of this mission. The best figures integrate multiple datasets, abstract processes, or otherwise synthesize complex information in a visually appealing way. Unfortunately, many figures, in both research articles and reviews, end up as Frankenstein’s monsters of hastily pasted-together parts with no regard for how the audience will react to the whole.
Matt Pavlovich, Tom Dursch, Stacey Chin, and Kat Stephan, the editors of Cell Press Journals, explain why the “Frankenfigure” is not an effective means of conveying your message, discuss when it does or doesn’t make sense to reproduce images from research articles, and give some advice for designing effective, purpose-driven figures that your readers will remember for the right reasons.