Fundamentals of peer review

Peer review is the cornerstone of the scientific publishing process, yet editors face a daily struggle to find researchers willing to review for their journal. In this series of modules, we explain why it is so important to get involved in peer review and the many benefits it can bring. You will hear how carrying out peer review can sharpen your own writing skills and introduce you to some of the movers and shakers in your field. You will learn how you can volunteer, and discover the ethics guidelines you should comply with. Moreover, we explain why there is a move towards making peer review more transparent.

What you will learn

  • The many benefits reviewing brings
  • Your responsibilities as a reviewer
  • Why there is a move towards transparency

Modules in Fundamentals of peer review

22 m
Fundamentals of peer review

How do I review a Data Article?

Data articles are a relatively recent article type and Data in Brief wishes to provide guidance for reviewers on how to assess a data article and a dataset.
1.5 h
Fundamentals of peer review

Generative AI in research evaluation

Virtual panel co-sponsored by Cell Press and Elsevier recognizing Peer Review Week.
1.7 h
Fundamentals of peer review

Building trust and engagement in peer review

The peer review process depends on the activities of editors, reviewers, and authors for its success.
1 h
Fundamentals of peer review

Diversity in peer review

Why diversity in peer review is central to both academia and your research career.
45 m
Fundamentals of peer review

Why get involved in peer review

Why saying ‘yes’ when an editor asks you to review can boost your research and publishing career.
32 m
Fundamentals of peer review

Ethics responsibilities for peer reviewers

This clear guide to ethics responsibilities for reviewers ensures you can approach your next review with confidence.
46 m
Fundamentals of peer review

Recognizing peer reviewers: A webinar to celebrate editors and researchers

A detailed discussion on the peer review process that will shine new light on the role you can play.
56 m
Fundamentals of peer review

Transparency in peer review

Find out why transparency in peer review is on the rise and how you can get involved.