3.1 SAGER Recommendations

About this video

In this module, Paola De Castro will provide an overview of the SAGER Guidelines structure, including the general principles and specific recommendations. The general principles will cover the use of terminology and the need for differentiation by sex and gender. The recommendations will focus on every section of the research paper, including the abstract, introduction, results, and discussion. Paola will cover how the SAGER Guidelines can be implemented, as well as provide examples of SAGER reporting in each section.  

After completing this module, you will understand how to implement the SAGER Guidelines in your research article.  

About the presenter

Paola de Castro
Paola De Castro

Director of the Scientific Communications, National Institute of Health, Italy (www.iss.it). 

Paola De Castro develops communication strategies, including the publication of scientific journals, web communication and organization of events addressed to different stakeholders.  

Paola also carries on multidisciplinary research and training for public health, mainly focused on science communication, health equity, gender balance, health literacy, and research integrity, with research partnerships in Europe, Latin America, and Africa.

She is actively involved in EASE, currently a Member (and former Co-chair) of the EASE Gender Policy Committee producing the SAGER Guidelines.

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