Inclusion and Diversity for Researchers

According to recent data, diversity in academia leads to more impactful scientific research. Therefore, creating an environment where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed is critical to the advancement of science. But how does one go about this?

In this section of Researcher Academy, various experts will introduce the basic concepts of I&D, as well as a “how-to” manual on addressing these issues specifically in academia. These webinars are aimed at anyone in academia interested in I&D awareness, education and setting up an I&D program where they work.

What you will learn

  • Basic concepts of inclusion and diversity
  • How to address I&D issues in academia
  • How to set up an I&D program at your institution

Modules in Inclusion and Diversity for Researchers

1 h
Inclusion and Diversity for Researchers

Progress Toward Gender Equality in Research & Innovation - 2024 Review

The global research community is making progress, albeit slowly, towards the full and equal participation of women. 
55 m
Inclusion and Diversity for Researchers

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Cell Press

Inequities in academic research keep us from maximizing scientific output. The future of science depends on equitable, inclusive and diverse participation from all backgrounds.
20 m
Inclusion and Diversity for Researchers

Allyship: what it means and how to best advocate inclusion & diversity in science

Allyship is vital to fostering a diverse and inclusive research environment.
20 m
Inclusion and Diversity for Researchers

Inclusion & Diversity in scientific publishing: why it’s a requirement, not a choice

Inequality in academic research is manifested in many ways. Women and racial and ethnic minorities are vastly underrepresented in academia.
20 m
Inclusion and Diversity for Researchers

Minorities in STEM: Barriers they face in academia and pathways to allyship

What are the barriers faced by women, ethnic minorities and LGBTQ+ colleagues in their career progression in STEM?
20 m
Inclusion and Diversity for Researchers

Reflections on making an inclusive research environment

People in the LGBTQI+ communities can be misrepresented within research and academic communities.