The pernicious nature of sexual harassment. What’s needed to stop perpetrators

About this video

Dr Bondestam explains that gender-based harassment is the most common form of harassment in academia. Sexual harassment occurs within all disciplines and is reported by all groups (students, doctoral students and staff). He shows how the essential five elements of prevention can be combined to ensure impact. These elements include: policy, education and training, complaint handling and support structures, bystander behaviour, and organisations and leadership.  The review of the international research field gives a picture of efforts to prevent sexual harassment as primarily a bureaucratic and legal exercise, with little or no evidence of the significance of these efforts for individual victims of sexual harassment

About the presenter

Fredrik Bondestam

 Director of the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research at the University of Gothenburg

Fredrik Bondestam is currently the Director of the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research at the University of Gothenburg ( He holds a PhD in Sociology (2004, Uppsala University) with a focus on gender equality and gender mainstreaming in academia. His research focus is on higher education in various respects, primarily organizational change, feminist pedagogy, sexual harassment, and gender mainstreaming in theory and practice. As research leader at the Center for Gender Research, Uppsala University, he developed new gender perspectives on the management, governance and organization of higher education within the framework of an excellence program financed by the Swedish Research Council. Since 2013, Fredrik has worked at the University of Gothenburg with several tasks, for example managing the government assignment on gender mainstreaming Swedish universities during 2016-2017. He has a long experience from various expert assignments within research and higher education policy, with a special focus on gender equality in higher education, and is involved in several EU projects on gender in research and education (Unisafe, Genderaction, GEECCO).
