Integrating gender perspectives into the planning, execution and evaluation phases of military operations and exercises

About this video

Rebecca Blum explains  the relationship between sexual violence and peace and security.  NATO defines sexual or gender-based violence against an individual or group of individuals, as acts used or commissioned in relation to a crisis or armed conflict. The gender mainstreaming actions are focused on prevention and response to own forces committing sexual violence and the protection of civilians from sexual and gender-based violence. The focus is on establishing overall stability and security in the area of operation, provide physical security, train host nations and prevent own forces in committing violent acts.

About the presenter

Rebecca Blum

Senior analyst at Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations


Rebecca Blum is the senior analyst at Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations. She leads the analysis in current security and defence policy, and the global security environment, and its relation to the international Agenda on Women, Peace and Security and Gender Perspective in Military Operations. Rebecca leads the work with NCGM’s task as NATO Department Head for Gender in Military Operations and as such oversees developments in the discipline. She has a degree in Peace and Conflict Studies and anthropology. Rebecca has served with the UN and has been working in the field on Security Sector Reform primarily in sub-Saharan Africa. Rebecca has also worked for the European Parliament with security and political analysis. In addition, Rebecca holds a degree in mediation and conflict resolution.
